Lake Forest College does not discriminate on the basis of a disability against any otherwise qualified person by denying him or her participation in, or the benefits of, any College program or activity.
Section 504 requires the adoption of a grievance procedure to deal with allegations of discrimination on the basis of a disability. If a member of the student body feels there is reason to believe that discrimination because of disability has occurred under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a grievance should be handled in the following manner:
- Individuals with a grievance should notify the Associate Vice President of Human Resources, Lauren Slipkowsky ( of their grievances, in writing. We recommend doing so within seven days of the alleged incident.
- Failing resolution, individuals should follow appropriate grievance procedures established for sex discrimination.
Additionally, if a member of the student body believes that they have experienced bias on the basis of a disability that may not meet the level of discrimination they can read about the Bias Incident Response Process and report a bias incident by clicking the links below.
Contact Information
Kirsten Schramm
Director of Accessibility Services
Erika Moy
Academic Support Administrative Assistant
Liz Walther
Academic Support Specialist
Office Phone
Hotchkiss 102
by appointment