Academic Internship Program

Level up your resume and earn credit for real-world experience!

Curious about how your classroom knowledge translates to the professional world? Join the Academic Internship Program and take your education to the next level. Complete your Experiential Learning Requirement with an internship that aligns with your academic goals and earns you valuable credit towards graduation. The Career Advancement Center is here to help you every step of the way.  

Welcome to the Academic Internship Program, a space to apply your classroom knowledge in a real-world setting under the guidance of our Internship Specialists. Explore this page to learn more about the program, plan out your timelines, and review our guidelines. Questions? Submit our Internship Interest Form to connect with your Internship Specialist.

Ready to get started? Plan to meet with your internship specialist and start your search no later than the following dates* for each term:

  • Fall term: July 15
  • Spring term: November 1
  • Summer term: April 15

*Some organizations, such as those in Business and Finance, may start recruiting for interns one year in advance! 

Academic Internship Course

What is the Academic Internship Course?

All students completing internships for credit must complete the Academic Internship Course in Moodle at the same time. This course is taught by CAC Internship Specialists and provides a structured environment for internship students to set learning goals, reflect on their experiences, focus on skill development, and connect with other interns in their Pathway.
This course is graded Pass/No Pass. 
Students who complete at least 150 work hours and pass the Academic Internship Moodle course will complete their FFC Experiential Learning requirement. 

What will I gain from this course?

The Academic Internship Course provides an environment for students to contextualize their work experience with their broader academic and career goals. Assignments focus on building skills and career competencies. At the end of the course, students have an updated LinkedIn profile and resume, an expanded professional network, and more confidence in themselves to pursue their next opportunity! 

Guidelines and Eligibility

Who can pursue an Academic Internship?

You may apply to the Academic Internship Program if you have: 

  • Junior or senior status during semester of internship 
    • Students at sophomore status may apply with an appeal 
  • Good judicial and academic standing 
  • Approval from your academic advisor 

International, transfer, and re-entry students have additional eligibility requirements. Please see below for more details. 

Important Policies

View our full internship guidelines in the College Catalog

Subject Area:

  • Internships must be completed in a student’s major or minor.
  • International students must complete all internships in their major field only. See “Information for International Students” below. 


  • Students may complete up to 3.0 internship credits during their time at the College.  
  • A minimum of 1 credit and maximum of 2 credits may be awarded for each internship during the fall or spring semesters.  
    • 1 credit = 150 work hours 
    • 2 credits = 300 work hours 
    • Students in the Lake Forest College In The Loop program can complete a 4th internship credit as part of the In The Loop program.  
    • See the “Summer Internships” section for summer credit options. 
  • Retroactive credit will not be awarded. Students must register to complete their internship for credit by the Add/Drop deadline

Internship Length:

  • Students are expected to work through the entire Fall or Spring semester to qualify for the Academic Internship Program. 
  • See the “Summer Internships” section for summer guidelines. 


  • Internships completed through the Academic Internship Program may be paid or unpaid.
  • 100% commission-based internships will not be approved for academic credit.   

Types of Internships

Academic Internships:
Academic Internships are completed for academic credit. Students earn academic credit for the hours spent on-site at their internship and by completing required assignments in the Academic Internship Course.

Continuation of Internship or Part-Time Job:
Internships must provide career-building experience. Students wishing to continue an existing internship or part-time job as an Academic Internship must show that their responsibilities have significantly changed and demonstrate how the new responsibilities will give them a unique educational and academic experience.

Internship Modality:
Internships may be in-person, remote, or hybrid.

Commission-Based Internships:
Internships based solely on commission will not be approved.

Timelines and Registration

What important deadlines should I be aware of?

Plan Ahead! The internship search is a two-semester process. Plan to dedicate at least one full semester to creating and implementing an internship search plan. Certain students may need to start earlier, as organizations in Finance, Computer Science, and Data Science being recruiting interns one year in advance for more competitive programs.

Interest Form Deadline 

Submit your Internship Interest Form no later than the following dates for each term: 

  • Fall term: July 1 
  • Spring term: November 1 
  • Summer term: March 15 

Registration Deadline 

Students must secure an offer and inform their Internship Specialist by no later than the Add/Drop deadline for that term.  
Students who have not submitted the interest form and have not been in contact with their Internship Specialist will not be permitted to register their internship for credit after the Add/Drop deadline. 

How can I fit an Academic Internship into my schedule?

Start planning early! Tell your academic advisor that you want to complete an internship for academic credit and discuss your options to fit it into your schedule. 

Most students who complete an internship in the fall or spring semester replace a course with the Academic Internship Course and earn between 1.0-2.0 credits from their experience. There is no extra charge to take an Academic Internship during the fall or spring semester if your total registration is 4.5 or fewer credits. Students may also use their Dean's List credit to take up to 5.5 credits with an Academic Internship.

Students who complete an internship for credit in the summer are billed by Student Accounts based on the credit value of their internship. See the “Summer Internships” section below and contact Financial Aid for more information about summer internship cost. 

How do I register for the course?
  1. Submit the Internship Interest Form and regularly update your internship specialist on your search progress. 
  2. Once you receive an offer, you must share the Internship Offer Letter provided by the organization with your Internship Specialist to confirm the internship meets our guidelines. 
  3. After the Internship Specialist approves the internship, they will send you a link to submit the Academic Internship Program application to begin the registration process. 

Additional Information

Summer Internships


There is a cost attached to completing an Academic (for-credit) Internship during the Summer Term. Financial Aid may apply. Contact the Office of Financial Aid to determine individual cost. 


  • A minimum of 0.5 credits and maximum of 2 credits may be awarded for each internship during the summer term.  
    • 0.5 credits = 75 work hours 
    • 1 credit = 150 work hours 
    • 2 credits = 300 work hours 


  • Summer internships must be at least 6 weeks long for a 0.5 credit internship or at least 8 weeks for a 1.0-2.0 credit internship to qualify for the Academic Internship Program. 
Internship Funding

All students completing unpaid internships as part of the Academic Internship Program are eligible to apply for funding. Funding is meant to assist with the cost of an unpaid Academic Internship that a student would not otherwise be able to pursue due to financial constraints, such as transportation, parking, specialized clothing or equipment. Awards are largely based on financial need, but students at any level of need who are completing unpaid internships are encouraged to apply. 

Please visit the Internship Funding page for more information and to submit an application. 

Student-Specific Information

Information for International Students

United States law has specific regulations for international students seeking internships. To remain in good standing, international students:

  • Are required to complete all internships for academic credit as part of the Academic Internship Program.
  • May only complete internships related to their major field of study.  
  • Must secure CPT work authorization before beginning to work at any internship. Allow 5-7 business days to process any CPT work authorization requests. 
  • Must complete one full year on campus before they are eligible for CPT. Eligibility starts one year after the start date on your Form I-20. 
    • Students who withdraw from the College to participate in the Semester at Sea program, or for any other reason, must wait one full year after returning to the College to be eligible for CPT. 

Direct any questions about work authorization to: 

  • F-1 Visa international students: Sandra Ortiz, DSO SEVIS Coordinator, (x5202 or 
  • J-1 Visa international students: Allie Olson, Director of the Global Engagement Office, (x5231 or  
Information for Transfer Students

Transfer students must complete one semester on the Lake Forest College campus before they may participate in the Academic Internship Program. 

  • International students must complete one full year on campus before they are eligible for CPT. Eligibility starts one year after the start date on your Form I-20.

Transfer students are eligible to participate in the Academic Internship Program beginning in their second semester on campus, provided they meet the eligibility requirements outlined above. 

    Information for Re-Entry Students

    Re-Entry students must complete at least one semester on the Lake Forest College campus after returning to the College before they may participate in the Academic Internship Program. 

    • International students who withdraw from the College to participate in the Semester at Sea program, or for any other reason, must wait one full year after returning to the College to be eligible for CPT. 

    Re-entry students are eligible to participate in the Academic Internship Program beginning in their second semester on campus, provided they meet the eligibility requirements outlined above. 

    Contact your Internship Specialist

    To earn credit for an Academic Internship, students must work with an Internship Specialist in their major/minor area of study. International students must pursue their internship in their major area of study only.

    Choose the Career Pathway below, related to your major or minor, to view Internship Specialist contact information.

    Business, Finance, and Data Science

    Economics, Business, Finance, and Entrepreneurship

    Albert Greene
    Assistant Director, BFDS Pathway

    Mathematics, Computer Science, Data Science

    Melissa Ramirez
    Science and STEM Career Specialist

    *Schedule an appointment via Handshake. Need help scheduling an appointment? View our Handshake Help Page here.

    Creative Arts and Communication

    Art, Art History, Communication, English, Music, Music Education, Theater

    Danielle Kelly
    Pathway Leader and Internship Specialist

    *Schedule an appointment via Handshake. Need help scheduling an appointment? View our Handshake Help Page here.

    Law and Public Service

    American Studies, Area Studies, Asian Studies, Foreign Languages, History, International Relations, Latin American Studies, Legal Studies, Philosophy, Politics, Religion, Sociology and Anthropology

    Deja McClellan
    Assistant Director and Pathway Leader, Law and Public Service

    *Schedule an appointment via Handshake. Need help scheduling an appointment? View our Handshake Help Page here.

    Science and Health Care

    HPP, Pre-Health, Psychology, and Broader Clinical Careers
    Common majors: Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Neuroscience, and Psychology

    Khadija Manzoor
    Internship Specialist

    Environmental Studies, Physical Science, and Broader Science Careers

    Melissa Ramirez
    Science and STEM Career Specialist

    *Schedule an appointment via Handshake. Need help scheduling an appointment? View our Handshake Help Page here.