
people playing volleyball in a gym

Reach your full fitness and wellbeing potential.

The athletics department offers a suite of intramurals and club sports for students who thrive on competition and the spirit of team and victory.

Club Sports

Club sports provide students with the opportunity to stay physically active and competitive at an intercollegiate level. Students of all talent and experience levels can find a sport for them among our current offerings.

Sign up for a Club Sport now. 


One-on-one. Three-on-three. Six-on-six. Whatever the combination, stay active with friends in the fall, winter, and spring by registering for our Forester intramural leagues and tournaments. Your heated contests in the Sports & Recreation CenterIce Arena, or  Mohr Student Center are sure to be intense and entertaining.

Tennis - Racquet Club of Lake Bluff

Lake Forest College has a partnership with the Racquet Club of Lake Bluff, an indoor tennis facility located just 10 minutes from the College, and all currently enrolled Lake Forest College students are eligible for a $35 monthly membership which entitles students to unlimited walk-on court time. Students are encouraged to call in advance to check on court availability. For more information, please contact the club at, 847-295-1322.

Golf - Lake Bluff Golf Course

Lake Forest College has a partnership with Lake Bluff Golf Course,  located just 10 minutes from the College, and all currently enrolled Lake Forest College students are eligible to receive a reduced rate of $125 for 10-round punch cards.  See play restrictions below. For more information, please contact the course at, 847-234-6771.


  • Pre-Paid Rounds not valid for use in June, July and August
  • Pre-Paid Rounds are valid after 12pm Mon-Fri and after 1pm on Weekends and Holidays.
  • Pre-Paid Rounds are valid for Green Fee only (18 or 9 holes).
  • 10 Round Play Card expires 1 year from date of purchase.
  • No rainchecks can be issued for Pre-Paid Rounds.

Sports and Recreation Center Hours and Information

Visit the Athletics website for up to date hours and information.