Jun Mizukawa

Lecturer in Anthropology and Religion
Sociology and Anthropology
- 8477356159
- jmizukawa@lakeforest.edu
Research Interests
Environmentalism and political activism in the post-3.11 Japan
Media materiality theory/Object-oriented ontology
Bodies and Embodiment: Japanese Calligraphy, Butoh Dance, Pre-modern book connoisseurship
PhD Anthroplogy, Columbia University
MA Anthropology, Columbia University
BA Japanese Studies, Sophia University
2018–Current Lecturer. Department of Sociology and Anthropology & Department of Religion
Lake Forest College (Lake Forest, IL)
2014–2016 Lecturer. Department of Modern Languages
DePaul University (Chicago, IL)
SOAN 110: Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology
SOAN 246: Language and Culture
RELG 200/ASIA 204: Japanese Animism, Anime and Manga
“Spirited Ecology at the End of the World”
“Reading ‘On the Go’: An Inquiry into Tempos and Temporalities of the Cellphone Novel” Japanese Studies, 36:1 (2016), 61-82.
“Fukkō to Kaifuku: Konkurīto no Shukensei (Reconstruction and Repetition: Concrete Sovereignty).” Shinsaigaku (Journal of Disaster Studies), 13 (2019) Co-authored.
“Re-thinking Love and Labor of Reading.” (2009) Media in Transition 6(MiT6) Digital Archive at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
2009 Weatherhead PhD Training Grant. Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia
2021-2022 Hakuhodo Foundation 16th Japanese Research Fellowship
2005–2012 PhD Fellowship. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University
2007–2008 Social Science Research Council-International Dissertation Research Fellowship
2004–2005 Weatherhead Fellowship. Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University
2014 Political Potentials of the Networked Bodies in the Era of Niconico Douga.
Medicine, Science, and Technology: Conversations Between Anthropology
and the Human Sciences, Global Center for Advanced Research,
Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. July 12, 2014
2013 Questions of Media-Literacy circa 2012: A Case of Newly-Configured
OnomatopoeticReading/Writing. The Center for Writing Studies at
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. March 28, 2013
2013 Material Components of Wahonand the Embodiment of Knowledge.
Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, Chicago. February 14, 2013
Conference Organized
2019 Animating Ecological Futures. Co-organizer (with Michael Fisch),
University of Chicago. October 17–19, 2019
Panels Organized
2012 Kanji no yure – Space of Indeterminacy.
Japan at Chicago I: ReMediations Workshop,
University of Chicago, Chicago. May 25–27, 2012
2010 Questions of bungaku (literature) in the Digital Era.
The Nineteenth Meeting of the Association of Japanese Literary Studies,
Yale University, New Haven. October 15–17, 2010
2009 Digits on the Move.
The Eighth Annual East Asian Conference in Israel,
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. July 7–9, 2009
Papers Presented
2019 Opening remark & Redefining hope in the post-3.11Tohoku:
Obligation to send the debt of gratitude forward.
Animating Ecological Futures.
University of Chicago. October 17, 2019
2013 Space, Time, and Text: The Affects of Reading and Writing in Contemporary Japan.
Japan at Chicago II: ReMediations Workshop,
University of Chicago, Chicago. March 16, 2013
2012 The Place of Unconscious in the Automaticity of Digital Writing.
111th AAA Annual Meeting,
San Francisco. November 14–18, 2012
2011 New Sociality in the New keitai Spatiotemporality.
Infrastructure Workshop sponsored by The University of Chicago,
Montreal, Canada. November 14–16, 2011
2011 Sing the Text Electronic: Affect of Digital Reading and Writing in Contemporary Japan.
110th AAA Annual Meeting,
Montreal, Canada. November 16–20, 2011
2009 Re-thinking Love and Labor of Reading.
MiT6 (Media in Transition),
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. April 24–26,2009
2008 Figuring the Digital Text.
Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series,
Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan. April 24, 2008
2007 Unfinished Story in an Unlikely Place.
The Eleventh Asian Studies Conference Japan,
Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan. June 23–24, 2007