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Romance Novels and Higher Education
Rebecca Reitemeier
Ni Narrador Ni Narradora - La Traducción de Género Ambiguo en Escrito en el Cuerpo
Emma Juettner
A Statistical Analysis of CEO Comensation, 2015-2016
Ridwaan Ismail
The Reason for Desire
Matthew McMahon
The Courtier and the Courteous - Shifts in Virtue in Oroonoko and Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.
Jennifer Bolek
Primitivism Displayed in American Art
Alexis Heredia
Overcoming Doubt in a Spiritual Narrative - The Challenges Jarena Lee Faced in Pursuit of Her Calling
Emily Dietrich
Innate Mysticism - An Argument for Neurotheology
Zoe Walts
The Origins of Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Ambitions
Zach Klein
La Censura y la Traducción en la Época de Franco
Stephany Baca
Let’s Talk About Sex, Maybe?
Ani Karagianis
From Farming to Gaming - How Native Americans Have Been Pushed Into Poverty
Sarah Boomgarden
If Jeremiah Is Going to Stay, He Needs to Change His Tone - Reframing Apocalyptic Discourse
Bernard Kondenar
The Buffalo Creek Disaster - Book Review
Aaron O’Neill
Narratives of Mexican American Womern Emergent Identities of the Second Generation
Alex Soriano
Mercury 13 - Movie Review
Emma Baumgartel
Herding on the Steppe - A Study Abroad Experience in Mongolia
Richard Biggio-Gottsclich