Annual Notification
As a requirement of the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Regulations [EDGAR 86], Lake Forest College will distribute policies, information, and resources to all students and employees on a semiannual basis.
The Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act [EDGAR 86] requires higher education institutions receiving Federal funding to certify to the Secretary of Education that they have developed and implemented a drug and alcohol abuse education prevention program (DAAPP) to prevent the unlawful possession, use, sale, or distribution of illegal drugs and alcohol by all students and employees on campus grounds or activities. Lake Forest College must be in compliance with the Drug Free Schools Acts of 1989 and constantly be providing education and support following its guidelines.
Lake Forest College’s Campus community, including employees and any student enrolled in any course(s) for which academic credit may be earned, must receive written notification regarding the drug and alcohol prevention programing. The information shared will include:
Annual Notification
As a requirement of the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Regulations [EDGAR 86], Lake Forest College will distribute policies, information, and resources to all students and employees on a semiannual basis.
The completion of the Drug Free Schools and Communities act [EDGAR 86] includes the biennial review of alcohol and other drug programs and policies while determining it’s effectiveness and consistency of policy enforcement. The report also identifies and implements any changes that need to be made for the next years. Each biennial review covers the previous two academic years.
The current report is accessible through the link below. Questions may be directed to the Lake Forest College Health and Wellness Center, Dr. Mary E. Grigar,
Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act Biennial Report 2022-2024
Health and Safety Report Amnesty (Drug & Alcohol Violations)
The health, safety, and general well-being of students are of primary concern to Lake Forest College. Students who are aware of a medical emergency are obligated to call for help, even when the emergency may be linked to illegal or prohibited activities such as alcohol or other drug use.
If someone is severely intoxicated or is injured because of illegal or prohibited activities, students should seek emergency medical help immediately. Students experiencing the intoxication or injury and those assisting them run no risk of penalty from the College for alcohol and other drug violations, so long as someone has called for help. In those cases, students may be required to take advantage of educational or counseling opportunities, but no record of a conduct violation will be created. Failure to complete the recommended educational or counseling opportunity may result in further disciplinary action. Repeat or serious incidents will prompt a higher degree of concern, response, and sanctioning.
The College’s Health & Safety Reporting Amnesty Policy offers no protection for civil or criminal charges that authorities may apply in association with the incident(s). Furthermore, the College reserves the right to address other egregious conduct violations that may surface during the response to the incident(s), such as sexual misconduct or fire safety violations.
Support Resources:
The Health and Wellness Center:
More Community Resources: