President Schutt announces retirement next year

On the eve of his 20th anniversary as the President of Lake Forest College, President Stephen D. Schutt announced his plan to retire at the end of the 2021–2022 academic year.
In his announcement, Schutt noted the timing is “right” for this transition in College leadership.
“The pandemic is largely behind us, and the College is in strong shape for the future. The biggest entering class in our history will arrive this August, Brown Hall is nearly finished, the new Health Professions Program is rapidly advancing, we completed a $140 million campaign last autumn, and our diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are making meaningful progress,” he said in an email to faculty, students, and staff on Friday, June 25, 2021. “I feel very fortunate to have played a role in the life and progress of the College.”
The College’s Board of Trustees “reluctantly” accepted Schutt’s decision at its meeting on June 25, Chair David F. Gorter ’80 said in an email to the Lake Forest College community that afternoon.
“Steve has been an exceptional leader for the College. Under his direction, we have developed innovative new academic programs, the student body has grown by 35 percent, Chicago connections have grown deep and strong, development campaigns have raised more than $300 million, the campus has been transformed, and our national rankings have never been higher,” Gorter said. “Steve has laid a strong foundation for the next president, and my fellow trustees and alumni have never been prouder of the College.”
Board Vice Chair William A. Lowry ’84 will lead a national search to find Schutt’s successor with a search committee of trustees, faculty, staff, alumni, and students. The Board also will retain a national executive search firm to recruit candidates and help guide the search. The new president is expected to take office by July 1, 2022.
“Throughout the search process, the Board will make sure to provide monthly updates to all College constituencies,” Gorter said.
Read the complete text of Friday’s announcements:
Campus Message from President Stephen D. Schutt, June 25, 2021
Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,
Next Thursday, July 1, 2021, will be the 20th anniversary of my arrival at Lake Forest College. I am very grateful to all of you for giving me the privilege to serve as the College’s president.
Two decades is a considerable period for anyone, and I informed the Board of Trustees this morning that the academic year ahead will be my final one as president. I am confident that the right time has come for this transition. The pandemic is largely behind us, and the College is in strong shape for the future. The biggest entering class in our history will arrive this August, Brown Hall is nearly finished, the new Health Professions Program is rapidly advancing, we completed a $140 million campaign last autumn, and our diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are making meaningful progress.
The three officers of the Board of Trustees and I have discussed this over the past several weeks. As Board Chair David F. Gorter ’80 will relate in a separate campus message today, the Board will form a search committee of trustees, faculty, staff, students, and alumni later this summer, and will also select a highly regarded professional search firm. By the beginning of September, the search committee will open a national search for the College’s next president, who will begin work next summer.
For the six months from July through December 2022, at the Board’s request, I will work as president emeritus to complete several key fundraising projects. Thereafter, from January through June 2023, I will take my first-ever sabbatical before moving on to my next chapter.
Throughout the academic year ahead, of course, I will continue to work full tilt. I can’t wait to see everyone return to campus this fall, after all of the past year’s challenges and isolation. I also look forward to the long-term planning process beginning this summer, which will produce inspiring new directions for the College by next spring.
I feel very fortunate to have played a role in the life and progress of the College. Together we have launched thriving new academic programs, increased enrollment, improved our campus, connected with Chicago, formed valuable partnerships, and reached many other goals that make me proud. What matters still more is the life-changing education that thousands of students have experienced and continue to experience here every year. To our faculty and staff who provide that education with such talent and commitment, and to our students who seize their opportunities here in such inspiring ways, I thank you from my heart.
Stephen D. Schutt
Lake Forest College
Campus Message from Board of Trustees Chair David F. Gorter ’80, June 25, 2021
To the Lake Forest College Community,
President Schutt informed the Board of Trustees this morning—as he explained in his campus message today—that he plans to finish his term as the College’s president next summer (2022). The Board reluctantly accepts his decision with great appreciation for his 20 years of exemplary service.
Steve has been an exceptional leader for the College. Under his direction, we have developed innovative new academic programs, the student body has grown by 35%, Chicago connections have grown deep and strong, development campaigns have raised more than $300 million, the campus has been transformed, and our national rankings have never been higher. Steve has laid a strong foundation for the next president, and my fellow trustees and alumni have never been prouder of the College.
The Board of Trustees has primary responsibility for the selection of our next president. I am delighted that Board Vice Chair William A. Lowry ’84 has agreed to lead a national search to find an outstanding successor to Steve. Later this summer, he will reach out to form a strong search committee of trustees, faculty, staff, alumni, and students. We will also retain a national executive search firm to recruit candidates and help guide the search. Our goal is to bring top-flight final candidates to the College for campus-wide interviews in January or February 2022, and then to select a new president who will take office by July 1, 2022. Throughout the search process, the Board will make sure to provide monthly updates to all College constituencies.
Over the year ahead, Steve will continue to lead the College as expertly as he has done for the past two decades. For now, please join me in congratulating him on his successful tenure, and best wishes to everyone.
David F. Gorter ’80
Chair of the Board of Trustees