Brain Awareness Week, Glassman Symposium draws interested crowds

Last week’s Brain Awareness Week, held October 28–30, and the correlated 12th annual Robert R. Glassman Memorial Syposium, held October 31–November 1, wrapped up another successful year showcasing medical mysteries of the mind through a number of public events on campus.
The annual Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is a nationally recognized innovative academic outreach program at the College with the overall goal to educate and engage on broad issues of Brain, Mind, and Behavior.
The Glassman Symposium included a series of talks given by Lake Forest College faculty and alumni in the Tarble Room of Brown Hall on October 31, and an undergraduate and alumni poster session, where Lake Forest students and alumni presented their original research, in Calvin Durand Hall on November 1.
The Thursday Faculty/Alumni Talks featured Assistant Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology Hannah Carlson; Saul Bello Rojas ’16 PhD, a postdoctoral fellow at Oregon Health Sciences University; Assistant Professor of English Catherine Reedy; Sarah Appley ’18, PhD candidate in neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania; and Professor of Neuroscience D. Blaine Moore.
The Friday poster session included the unveiling of this year’s neuroscience sculpture that was created and produced by students in the College’s neuroscience society, Nu Rho Psi, in collaboration with peers in the College’s Art Installation course. The assignment was to depict the 2024 national education and outreach theme, “Social Media and the Brain.”
Dozens of students and recent alumni presented more than 40 posters on research conducted at Lake Forest College, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, and several other Chicago-area research universities and beyond during the Glassman poster session on November 1.
View a collection of photos here.