Teaching with Cognitive Science

The Associated Colleges of the Midwest awarded Lake Forest College a Faculty Career Enhancement Program, funded by the Mellon Foundation, to develop materials and programming that informs faculty about what Cognitive Scientists are learning about teaching and how it may be applicable in a Liberal Arts setting.

The Faculty Work Group was assembled after a very successful workshop which was held in May of 2016. On this page are posted items that the Work Group found useful, including links to videos, presentations, and readings.


  • The Science of Students’ Brains: 15 Minutes with Terry Doyle. ACUE.
  • Video: Marsha Lovett, How Learning Works (hosted by U Texas)
  • Sashank Varma, Using Cognitive Science Research to inform Pedagogy: Pdf of presentation at Lake Forest College. Available to Lake Forest College faculty by request.
  • Henry Roediger, Lecture on Retrieval Practice to Enhance Learning (at Montana State University). Video.

Suggested Reading

Links about Cognitive Science and Teaching