
Nicole Ramirez

Class Year:


Job Title:

Legal Assistant at Blitt & Gaines, P.C.

Areas of Study:



Waukegan, IL

How did you decide to become a History major at Lake Forest College?

My passion for history is virtually lifelong, as I grew up enthralled with the historical fiction books, historical documentaries, history classes I took, and the free time I spent fascinated with historical women’s fashion growing up. My most fond memories in middle and grade school involve field trips to historical museums. I think the moment I decided to be a history major was when I had to do a presentation in AP literature my junior year of high school on any book of our
choice and I found the book America’s Women by Gail Collins. I was instantly fascinated with this chronological book concerning women’s lives throughout American history from the Colonial period on. I was even more fascinated with the book’s inclusion of historical facts about groups of women that have been largely ignored: the lives of BIPOC women and women of all socioeconomic classes. Learning facts about the women of the past that I was never exposed to in school or through consumption of history in books and media blew my mind, frankly. My passion to uncover the stories of people from the past and the importance of these stories to inform us now was ignited and when it came to make a decision of what to major in at LFC, I chose History, so that I could feel the way I did reading that book, visiting museums, reading historical fact and fiction books, all the time.

Is there a specific memory that sticks out to you from your time as a history student?

I enjoyed my time as a history student the entire span of my LFC career so this is hard to pinpoint. I had so many amazing opportunities during the four years I spent there but this is all thanks to three people: Dr. Jones, Dr. Groeger, and Dr. Batzell. These three individuals showed me that I am a capable person with abilities that I didn’t think I had, and I will never forget that. They helped me take advantage of research and internship opportunities that granted me experience and skills I will carry with me lifelong.This connection with professors is exactly why I chose LFC.

What are you up to now?

I am a legal assistant at Blitt & Gaines, P.C., a collections law firm. I work in the Court Date Management Department, so I handle scheduling cases in court. I more specifically handle the portion of Illinois that the firm considers Northern Illinois, spanning 40 or so counties.

In what ways did being a history major help you in your work experiences?

During college I had the amazing opportunities to intern at the Chicago History Museum, Zuma Law, LLC (an immigration law firm), and to work as a research assistant for Dr. Batzell. I put the skills that my history major refined: writing, reading, crafting an argument using evidence, and combining this with different programs that most fields emphasize using like the many programs offered by google drive/ microsoft office, and technology in general, to great use then and now in my current job.

In your opinion, why is history important and/or relevant?

I think history is important and relevant because we cannot move forward without thinking of our past. Bringing attention to how change happens over time, through everyday lives and through major events, helps society learn its roots and hopefully learn how to make effective change. I love to draw connections and find patterns that connect the actions, decisions, and plain existence of humans from thousands of years ago to now, so that we in the present can use these examples to inform our decisions.

Anything else a student considering majoring in History should know?

One thing I unfortunately did was be afraid, and think I would regret my choice to major in history because of other people’s perceptions of the field. I do not think that now, because I
know that the humanities are just as important as any other field of study. The continuing support and the amazing examples set by the professors in the LFC history department showed me that fact. If you love history and are passionate about it, major in it, despite what others think. I gained experiences and knowledge that I will always carry with me, and that I have been able to adapt to all areas of my professional life.