
Hannah Bradford

Class Year:


Job Title:

Library Assistant at Harper College

Areas of Study:



Wheeling, IL

What made you decide to become a History major at Lake Forest College?

I have always had a fascination with history while growing up. It is the one department that I felt the most comfortable in and I always looked forward to learning something new. I firmly believe that knowing our past will help us gain understanding in the present and help us into the future. 

What is something students considering majoring in History should know?

Be prepared for a lot of writing. Be sure to utilize the on campus library and librarian! They are a great help!

Why is History relevant and important today?

History is important because it helps inform us where we came from and then in turn, help us understand the present. This can then help us make the appropriate changes in the future. What are you up to now? In what ways did being a history major help you after graduation? Currently, I am a library assistant at Harper College and a supplemental instructor for geology. I also am a volunteer fossil preparator at the Field Museum. My original plan was to go into library science and work in collections at a museum. But last summer, I went on my first dinosaur dig! From there, I decided to go with my first love, paleontology, and plan to pursue it in graduate school. I am taking science courses right now in order to prepare. Being a history major has definitely helped in this career change. It has helped me figure how to find sources, how to do research for papers, and gain more of an appreciation for the past.

Is there a specific memory that sticks out to you from your time as a history student?

One of my favorite classes I took at LFC was Roman History with Professor Jones. Before then, I knew absolutely nothing about Rome and its history. But Professor Jones made it fascinating to learn about. It was a great class and I wish I can take it again!