
Allyson Garner Spencer

Class Year:


Job Title:

Associate Director of Communications at 1,000 Days

Areas of Study:



Madison, WI

What made you decide to become a History major at Lake Forest College?

I decided to study history because it was my favorite subject in school and something that I gravitated to outside of academics as well (historical fiction novels, etc). I like that history is a way to tell stories about people, places and moments in time. More functionally, I also figured that a degree in history would provide me with the critical thinking, analysis and writing skills needed for success in the "real world"!

Is there a specific memory that sticks out to you from your time as a history student?

I remember the first time I got an A on a paper with a history professor who was a notoriously hard grader. It took a lot of work and refining my writing skills but when it happened, I felt really accomplished and proud! And that A paper gave me a chance to reflect on how much my writing had grown.

Why is History relevant and important today?

I believe that so many things are cyclical - thoughts, ideas, philosophies, reactions, world views. By being a student and lover of history, we can better understand our current context.

What are you up to now? In what ways did being a history major help you after graduation?

I am the Associate Director of Communications for 1,000 Days, a global non-profit advocacy organization that focuses on improving the health of women, children and families during the earliest years of life. Through studying history, I developed skills in critical thinking, writing and appreciating different perspectives -- all things that are important in my career.