Brian McCammack

Brian McCammack is Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Chair of American Studies at Lake Forest College, where he teaches courses on American environmental history, environmental politics and policy, and environmental justice. His first book, Landscapes of Hope: Nature and the Great Migration in Chicago (Harvard UP, 2017) won best book awards from the Organization of American Historians, the American Society for Environmental History, and the Foundation for Landscape Studies. His current book project continues his research at the intersection of race and the environment, excavating the roots of the environmental justice movement by examining the failures of the modern environmental movement to build a racially diverse coalition in the 1970s. On Mellon-funded grants through Lake Forest College, he has produced the digital humanities project Mapping the Blues in collaboration with the Chicago History Museum, organized environmental justice summits in collaboration with the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization, Clean Power Lake County, Grow Greater Englewood, and Free Street theater company; and has collaborated with the Society of Architectural Historians on a Teachers Institute examining race and segregation in Chicagoland's built environment.