Study Abroad and Domestic Study Away

Notes from Abroad: Phillip in Lithuania

Winter courtyard in Vilnius A winter courtyard in Vilnius
January 03, 2022
Phillip Gokhman '23

Phillip Gokhman '23, a Business major, studied abroad at Vilnius University in Vilnius, Lithuania.

After spending almost five months in Vilnius, Lithuania, I have learned a lot about myself through experiences I could not get back at home. The cold weather really does have its effects on you when it gets below freezing, but the beauty of it all makes up for that. I got so used to Lithuanian culture that I don’t want to leave; Vilnius is a second home for me, really.  

I’ve already taken a few exams before Christmas, and on Christmas Eve I spent some quality time with friends drinking tea and hot wine. On New Year’s Eve, I was celebrating with my girlfriend and her friend, and we had some great Lithuanian food and watched the fireworks right next to us. Of course, this was accompanied by those classic, 90’s/ early 2000’s Lithuanian songs about the holidays. I travelled to London in the beginning of December and got to experience the Christmas vibe of it; one thing I noted was that most European countries set up decorations right after Halloween, which was peculiar to see as an American.  

As per my last Note, my feelings of genuine happiness and satisfaction haven’t faltered, rather they’ve grown even more. I look forward to coming back to Lithuania in the future, as well as Denmark, Italy, Turkey, and Ukraine to catch up with the friends that I’ve made in my time here. 

Vilnius Christmas Tree:

Vilnius at Christmas