Study Abroad and Domestic Study Away

Notes from Abroad: Phillip in Lithuania

Cathedral Square The Cathedral Square in Vilnius, Lithuania
November 01, 2021
Phillip Gokhman '23

Phillip Gokhman '23, a Business major, is studying abroad at Vilnius University in Vilnius, Lithuania.

My time in Vilnius, Lithuania so far has been splendid. One of my favorite aspects of studying here is that I immersed myself into a rich culture and experienced a lot of what Vilnius has to offer. The architecture, hidden gems, colors, and seasons changing are and will always be what’s beautiful about the city. Adjusting to a new culture, especially one that is typically colder, is a challenge that I appreciate having to go through. I’ve learned a lot and will take this back home with me.

My courses at Vilnius University are pretty good! Mondays are mainly business-related classes, Tuesdays are philosophy-related, and Wednesdays are my international relations days. Interestingly, I’m in a different part of the city each day, which I really love. Thursday through Sunday are free days, and I dedicate them to exploring and discovering places around me. I’ve been to Riga, Latvia and Vienna, Austria so far, as well as around Lithuania itself. There are so many good experiences I’ve had, and I plan to travel elsewhere, like Poland and Belgium.

I feel that being immersed in Lithuanian culture and living abroad for this time has really brought upon a lot of personal growth (confidence, goals, etc.). There are so many times when I’ve felt genuinely happy and satisfied with my life here, it’s really an experience I would never take for granted.  

Special thanks to my donor, Rebecca McGowan, Class of 1970. 

Vilnius from Gediminas Tower:

View from tower

Celebration of the Autumn Equinox: