Notes from Abroad: Albin in Spain
Albin Arulanandu ‘25, a business and communication double major, is studying abroad in Spain.
From the beautiful weather to the countless adventures, Barcelona, Spain has felt like a whirlwind of a dream. Studying abroad in Barcelona has really been an exciting time as I have been able to grow as student but more importantly as a person through my interactions with the people of this amazing city. Barcelona really offers so much to do from just strolling along the streets and neighborhoods to the Barcelona beach, there is always something to do.
Studying abroad in Barcelona has been a great way to develop my interpersonal skills and really overcome new challenges. One of the most difficult obstacles was the culture change along with the language. Having a mix of Catalan and Spanish can be tricky at times, but it really encouraged me to dissolve myself into this culture as I try to always communicate in Spanish when talking to the community members. Also, the differences in cultures such as eating times was uneasy but can be acclimated over time. Likewise, the best parts of Barcelona include the easy public transport and really helps you learn the city. You learn the many ways of getting from one place to another, while getting to really know this city.
With Barcelona also being centrally located in Europe, it allows for easy travel to other countries, something I am grateful to have done and allowing me to immerse myself in even more cultures. I have been lucky enough to visit Budapest, Ireland, Amsterdam, Italy, Portugal, and Mallorca. Along with being able to travel throughout Europe, there are so many cool places I have been able to visit within Spain itself such as Girona, Tarragona, Sitges, and many more cool cities with their own diverse cultures. Being able to travel has been a lot of fun while being able to interact and observe more cultures and styles within Europe.
Overall, it has been an amazing experience, as I have come across many new cultures, languages, and experiences. It has been a fun and exciting experience. Studying abroad in Barcelona has been an unforgettable journey filled with vibrant experiences and valuable personal growth. From navigating the nuances of language and adjusting to cultural differences in eating habits to embracing the seamless public transport system, every challenge has been an opportunity for learning and adaptation. This experience has not only enhanced my academic journey but has also enriched my understanding of how big the world truly is.
Thank you to the Smith Scholarship Fund for the study abroad scholarship.
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