Zachary Cook

Parties and elections
Public opinion
PhD political science, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
BA political science, Williams College, Massachusetts
Politics 220/IREL 249: Methods of Political Research
Politics 227: Campaigns and Elections
American Political System, Explore Chicago: Representatives and Representation, American Presidency, Classical Political Thought, Congress and the Legislative Process, Political Parties and Elections, Money and Politics
My 2024 book published by Lexington Books, Is The Youth Vote Liberal? Analyzing Attitudes Toward Business and Regulation, compares the public opinion of under-thirty Americans across eighty years of public opinion surveys. I continue to explore the public opinion and voting behavior of under-thirty Americans across different countries and time periods.
Zachary F. Cook, “Measuring Partisan Regimes: Elites Tell Us Who Their Reconstructives Are,” Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol 47, No. 4 (2017): 695-719.
Zachary F. Cook, “How Political Professional’s Perceive the Youth Vote,” Midwest PSA, April 2017
Zachary F. Cook, “Were the ‘Silent’ and ‘Greatest Generation’ Liberals When They Were Young?,” Midwest PSA, Apr. 2016
Zachary F. Cook, “A Great Regime Needs a Great Man,” Midwest PSA, Apr.2015
Zachary F. Cook, “Can We Impute Preferences to Voters By Age?,”
Southern PSA, January 2015
Zachary F. Cook, “Barack Obama’s and John McCain’s Shrinking Rhetoric on Global Warming,” Midwest PSA, Apr.2014
Zachary F. Cook, “Updating Neustadt,“Southern PSA,” January 2014 (paper nominated.for award )
Zachary F. Cook, “How Impressionable Were the Younger Reagan Cohorts?,” The Forum, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2014
Manuscript Reviewer, American Politics Research, 2017
Panelist, “Creating a Sense of Community in Explore Chicago,” DePaul First Year Program Best Practices Conference, May 2017
Media Interview: Vivanco, Leonor. “Mayoral Candidates Try to Rock the Millennial Vote,” Chicago Red Eye, February 9, 2015
Media Interview: Vivanco, Leonor. “Do the Mayoral Debates Matter?,” Chicago Red Eye, March 15, 2015
Panel Chair, Midwest PSA annual meetings 2016, 2015, 2013, 2012
Panel Chair, Southern PSA annual meetings 2014, 2013, 2012
Panel Discussant, Midwest PSA annual meetings 2014, 2012, 2011, 2010
Honored Instructor, DePaul Pi Sigma Alpha Society, 2017
Northwestern Searle Center for Teaching Excellence Fellow 2000, 2001
Northwestern Political Science Farrell Award for Best TA, 1998