Roshni Patel

Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Chair of Social Justice Studies
- 8477355182
Research and Teaching Interests
Indian Buddhist Philosophy
Continental Philosophy
Comparative Philosophy
PhD Emory University, 2019
BA University of Texas at Austin, 2009
"Releasing Boundaries, Relieving Suffering, Becoming Pained: An Engagement with Indian Buddhism and Martin Heidegger." Philosophy East and West 69, no. 4 (2019): 1053–75. doi:10.1353/pew.2019.0085.
2020–2022 Associated Colleges of the Midwest Mellon Faculty Fellow
2018–2019 Andrew W. Mellon Graduate Teaching Fellowship
Dillard University. New Orleans, Louisiana.
2017–2018 United States Fulbright-Nehru Student Research Fellowship
Pune, India.
2015 Udo Keller Stiftung Forum Humanum Claremont Conference Grant
Claremont University. Claremont, California.
2012–2017 George W. Woodruff Fellowship for Graduate Study
Emory University. Atlanta, Georgia.
2019 The Bearing of the Field in the Bhagavad-Gītā and the Vimalakīrtinirdeśasūtra
The American Academy of Religion
San Diego, California
2019 The Normative Hostility of the Will
Southwest Seminar in Continental Philosophy
The University of Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah
2019 What Buddhafields Tell Us about our Unbounded and Finite Selves
International Society for Buddhist Philosophy Satellite Session,
American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting
Denver, Colorado.
2018 Buddhist Insights into an Ethics of Nonwilling
South and Central Asia Fulbright Conference
Delhi, India.
2017 Enduring Finitude, Suffering Together in Early Indian Buddhism and
Martin Heidegger
Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle
Arizona State University. Phoenix, Arizona.
2016 Responsibility Without Subjects for Heidegger and Mahāyāna Buddhism
Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle
National Taiwan University. Taipei, Taiwan.
2015 Unconcealing the NonSelf: A Pedagogical Analysis of texts from Martin
Heidegger and Theravāda Buddhism
The 36th Annual Philosophy of Religion Conference
Claremont University. Claremont, California.
2014 Questioning as Hospitality: The Doorway as Preservation and Openness in
Derrida and Heidegger
Derrida Today
Fordham University. New York City, New York.
2013 Questioning in Heidegger’s Philosophy
Participants’ Conference at the 2013 Collegium Phaenomenologicum
Citta di Castello, Italy.