Odugu, D. & Schenk, E. (2019). “Language Politics, Policy, and Policing: A Generative Policy Scaffold,” Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Odugu, D. (2018). ““Ónyé ká ónyéne ógóró ólu …”: Discourse, Power, and the Invention of Language and Development in Igboland,” Africanity Scholars Network (AFRISCON) International Conference, University of Nigeria Nsukka.
Odugu, D. (2018). “Critical Turns in Multilingual Education and Social Change: Africa and Beyond,” Plenary lecture delivered at the IV International Colloquium on Languages, Cultures, Identity in School and Society, Soria, Spain.
Odugu, D. (2018). “Racial Restrictive Covenants and Housing Discrimination in the Chicagoland Area,” 2018 Digital Humanities Conference of the Association of Digital Humanities Organizations, Mexico City.
Odugu, D. (2018). “Language Renascence, Educational Policy, and Cultural Identity in Biafra/Igbo-Nigerian Politics,” Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference, Mexico City.
Odugu, D. (2017). “Linguistic Renascence and the Politics of Exoglossic Education in Africa,” African Studies Association (ASA) Annual Conference, Chicago.
Odugu, D. (2017). “Global Norms, Multilingual Discourse, and Privatization of Education in South-eastern Nigeria,” III International Colloquium on Languages and Cultures in School and Society, Soria, Spain.
“Global Norm, Multilingual Education and Nouveau Language Problem of Multilingual African Societies,” World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, Beijing, August 2016.
““Old Wine, New Skin!” Public Media and Epistemological Disjuncture in Contemporary Politics of Multilingual Education,” Second International Colloquium on Languages and Cultures in School and Society, Soria, Spain, July 2016.
“UNESCO and Multilingual Education: Discourse, Dilemma and Disjuncture,” American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, Washington, DC, April 2016.
“Public Media and the Politics of Education Language Policy in Multilingual Societies,” Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference, Vancouver, March 2016.
“Achievement Gap Between African American and African/Afro-Caribbean Immigrants: Historical Literacy, Segregation, and Relational Dynamics,” AERA Annual Conference, Chicago, April 2015.
“Multilingualism Meets Plurilingualism: Reconceptualizing Linguistic Diversity in Education in Africa,” CIES Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., March 2015.
“How Race and Space Shape the Opportunities and Lives of College Students,” invited public lecture at First Presbyterian Church, Lake Forest, Nov.14, 2014.
“History Education and Development in Anglophone Africa,” AERA Annual Conference, Philadelphia, April 2014.
“Revisioning education through institutional collaboration and partnerships:Focus on Africa and the West” (workshop organized with Lilian B. Niwagaba, UT Southwestern Medical Center), Toronto, March 2014.
“SIGnificance of Language Issues: Historical Mapping of the First Decade of Language Issues SIG” (workshop organized with Christopher Shephard, Teachers College), CIES Annual Conference, Toronto, March 2014.
“Language, Education and the Dilemma of State Intervention,” CIES Annual Conference, Toronto, March 2014.
Antinomies of Orientation in Language Planning and the Quest for Unified Theory. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, San Francisco, April-May 2013.
Antinomies of Orientations in Language Planning and the Quest for Multilingual Education. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference, New Orleans, March 2013.
Dimensions of Rivalry: Colonial Missions, Cultural Threats, and the Early Expansion of Western Schools in Nigerian Igboland. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference, Puerto Rico, April 2012.
Developing and Valuing Partners Every Step of the Way. Paper presented (with Esther Hicks) at the American Evaluation Association (AEA) conference, Anaheim, CA, Nov. 2011.
Education Language Policy Process in Multilingual Societies: Pushing the Frontiers of Language Policy Research. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference, New Orleans, LA, April 2011.
The Problem of “Language Problem” in Multilingual Societies: Language Policy and Democratic Participation. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) annual conference, Chicago, IL, March 2010.
Language Attitude, Historical Awareness and Social Identity in Explaining Social Responsibility: A TSCS Cross-national Analysis. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual conference, Denver, CO, April – May 2010.
Problematizing “Language Problems” in Multilingual Societies: Paradigm Shifts and the Disjuncture of Language Policy and Democratic Participation. Paper presented at the World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, Istanbul, Turkey, June 14 – 19, 2010.
Depoliticizing Comparativism: From “Education for All” to “Universal Basic Education” in Nigeria, presented at the Comparative and international Education Society (CIES) Conference, Charleston, SC, March 2009
Heimatkunde, National Educational Relevance and Internationalism: Dilemma of Global Flows and Networks(?), paper presented at the Faculty of Education International Conference, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nigeria, June 2008.
Multilingualism in International and National Education Language Policy Discourse, presented at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) annual meeting, New York, February 2008.
“Semilingualism” and “Multicompetence”: Bilingualism in English Speaking West Africa, paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting, Chicago, April 2007.
Returns to Education and Egalitarianism within Social and Liberal Education Systems, paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) annual meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, February 2007.
The impact of historico-cultural awareness on intra-racial relationships between African Americans and African immigrants/non-immigrants, paper presented at the 13th annual Eyes on the Mosaic Graduate Student Conference, University of Chicago, April 2006.
The linguistic impact of British educational policy on the Nigerian educational linguistic policy, paper presented at the ‘Peoples and Ideas in Motion’ conference, University of Chicago, May 2006.