Hazim Fazlić

Islamic Studies
PhD Islamic Studies, University of Birmingham, UK
MA Islamic Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK. With merit
BA Islamic Studies, University of Sarajevo
Religion/Islam 255: 21st Century Islam
Adjunct Professor, Department of Religion, Lake Forest College; 2014–present
Imam, Islamic Cultural Center of Greater Chicago; 2013–2015
Post Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Birmingham, UK; 2010–2012
Examiner in Islamiyat, Cambridge International Examinations; 2006–2013
Fazlić, H. (2018). ‘Husein Djozo and his Fatwa on Collection and Distribution of Zakat Funds,’ Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe.
Fazlić, H. (2015). “Perspectives on Building Trust Between Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Challenges and Roles of Faith Communities.” Journal of Ecumenical Studies, vol. 50, no. 2: 315-42. Philadelphia; Temple University
Fazlić, H. (2015). “The Elements that Have Contributed to the Survival of Islam in Tito’s Yugoslavia.” Journal of Islamic Studies, vol. 26, no. 3: 298-304. Oxford: Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies.
Fazlić, H. (2014). “Book Review: Abdullah Ahmed An-Na’im, What is an American Muslim?: Embracing Faith and Citizenship.” Muslim World Book Review. Markfield: The Islamic Foundation
Fazlić, H. (2012). ‘Modern Muslim Thought in the Balkans-The Writings of Mehmed ef. Handzic in the El-Hidaje Periodical’. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. London: Institute of Muslim Minority affairs (accepted)
Fazlić, H. (2011). “Book Review: Enes Karic, Contributions to 20th Century Islamic Thought in Bosnia and Herzegovina, vol 1.” Muslim World Book Review. Markfield: The Islamic Foundation
Fazlić, H. (2010). Britain my New Home: Stories of Bosnian Survivors, Birmingham: Bosnian Cultural Centre-Midlands.
Fazlić, H. (2012) “The Role of Religious Communities in the Reconciliation Process in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” The Universal Peace Foundation-UK seminar at the House of Lords.
Fazlić, H. (2010) “General perspectives on building trust between communities in the Balkans-the challenges and moving forward,” a paper given at the interfaith session during the Global Peace Unity event.
Fazlić, H. (2009) “From Bosnia to Britain,” Conflict and Post Conflict experience, Conference paper at University of Strathclyde
Fazlić, H. (2009) “The State of Islam and Muslims in the Balkans,” Research presentation given at the Oxford Centre of Muslim-Christian Studies.
Fazlić, H. (2008) Together in Bosnia, a member of a UK delegation to an interfaith conference in Bosnia.