Casey Gough
20th Century Latin American Literature and Film
Avant-Garde and Comparative Modernisms
Cultures of the Body
PhD, Northwestern University
BA, Williams College
LNAM 306 Introduction to Latin American Culture
SPAN 250 Grammar, Syntax and Style (Spring 2019)
SPAN 300 Introduction to Reading Spanish Literature (Spring 2019)
“Roberto Arlt and the Readers of Romance” (under review, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos)
“The Invisible Nation of Julio Molina y Vedia” (under review, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos)
“A Trip to the World Cinema: The Fantastic Spectators of Felisberto Hernández and Alberto Mario Ferreiro,” Culture, Theory & Critique (2016): 1-13.
“De los medios a los remedios: Qué y Los mecanismos de la curación,” A Contracorriente 11.3 (2014): 275-296.
Néstor Sánchez, “Manhattan Diary”, with Federico Barea. Asymptote Journal. July 2018.
Dissertation: Readers on Trolleys and Cosmic Spectators: Publics in the Era of the Rioplatense Vanguards. Buenos Aires and Montevideo, 1900-1940.
2015 Latin American and Latinx Studies Association Travel Grant
2014 Summer language study grant, Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture, UMass and the Luso-American Foundation
2013 Fellowship, Paris Program in Critical Theory, Northwestern University
2013 Grant, Summer Seminar on “The Brazilian Urban Novel,” São Paulo, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
2011 Northwestern Graduate Students Conference Travel Grants
2010 Northwestern Graduate School Summer Research Grant
2010 Northwestern Graduate Students Conference Travel Grant
2007 Thomas J. Watson Fellowship
Seminar Co-organizer, “Port Cities of the South”, American Comparative Literature Association, Utrecht, the Netherlands, July 6-9, 2017.
“Zsigmond Remenyik and the Valparaiso Avant-Garde,” Latin American Studies Association, Lima, Peru, April 29 - May 1, 2017.
“Charlatans, Laboratories and Herbal Remedies: Literature and Medical Modernity in Uruguay,” Latin American Studies Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 27-30, 2015.
“Roberto Arlt’s Courtship Narratives,” Latin American Studies Association, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26, 2012.
“Lyrical Infamy: Alejandra Pizarnik’s La Condesa sangrienta,” Asociación Española de Teoría de la Literatura, Granada, Spain, January 26-28, 2011.
“Punchline: Radio and Tragedy in Julio Cortázar’s ‘Torito’,” American Comparative Literature Association, New Orleans, LA, April 1-4, 2010.