D. Moore
![d. blaine moore](/Public/OCM/300x300_Faculty/d_blaine_moore_300x300.jpg)
Ph.D., University of Florida (Neuroscience)
B.S., University of North Florida (Biology, magna cum laude)
Specialization & Interest
Cell & Molecular Biology
Nervous Systems Disorders
*denotes undergraduate co-author
Langeland, JA, Baumann, L*, DeYoung, EM*, Varella, RA*, Mwenda, N*, Aguirre, A* and Moore, DB (2024) Early animal origin of BACE1 APP/Ab proteolytic function. Biology, 13(5): 320. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology13050320.
Manyevitch, R, Protas, M, Scarpiello, S, Deliso, M Bass, B, Nanajian, A, Chang, M, Thompson, SM, Khoury, N, Gonnella, R, Trotz, M, Moore, DB, Harms, E, Perry, G, Clunes, L, Ortiz, A, Friedrich, JO, and Murray, IVJ (2018) Evaluation of metabolic and synaptic dysfunction hypotheses of Alzheimer’s disease (AD): a meta-analysis of CSF markers. Current Alzheimer Research 15(2):164-181.
Moore, DB, *Gillentine, MA, *Botezatu, NM, *Wilson, KA, *Benson AE and Langeland JA (2014) Asynchronous evolutionary origins of A and BACE1. Molecular Biology and Evolution 31(3): 696-702.
Moore, DB (2013) editor, “Ethanol Neurotoxicity” special issue of Brain Sciences, Volume 3, issues 1-3.
*Balan, AG, *Myers, BJ, *Maganti, J and Moore, DB (2010) ER-targeted Bcl-2 and inhibition of ER-associated caspase-12 rescue cultured immortalized cells from ethanol toxicity. Alcohol, 44(6): 553-563.
Furge, LL, Stevens-Truss, R, Moore, DB, Langeland, J (2009) Vertical and horizontal integration of bioinformatics education: a modular, interdisciplinary approach. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 37 (1) 26-36.
Moore, DB, Dueweke, A, Newton, CR, and Stevens-Truss R (2005) Mentoring students in professional-quality science communication. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly March, 2005: 118-121.
Moore, DB, Madorsky, I, Paiva, M, and Heaton, MB (2004) Ethanol exposure alters neurotrophin receptor expression in the rat central nervous system: effects of neonatal exposure. Journal of Neurobiology, 60(1):114-26.
Moore, DB, Madorsky, I, Paiva, M, and Heaton, MB (2004) Ethanol exposure alters neurotrophin receptor expression in the rat central nervous system: effects of prenatal exposure. Journal of Neurobiology, 60(1):101-13.
Heaton, MB, Moore, DB, Paiva, M, Madorsky, I, Mayer, J, Shaw, G (2003) The role of Neurotrophic factors, apoptosis-related proteins, and endogenous antioxidants in the differential temporal vulnerability of neonatal cerebellum to ethanol. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research, 27 (4): 657-669.
Heaton, MB, Paiva, M, Madorsky, I, Mayer, J, Moore, DB (2003) Effects of ethanol on neurotrophic factors, apoptosis-related proteins, endogenous antioxidants, and reactive oxygen species in neonatal striatum: relationship to periods of vulnerability. Developmental Brain Research, 140: 237-252.
Skovronsky, DM*, Moore, DB*, (*equal contribution), Milla, ME, Doms, RW, Lee, VMY (2000) PKC-Dependent a-secretase Competes with b-secretase for Cleavage of APP in the TGN. Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (4): 2568-2575.
NEUR 387: Experimental Investigations in Neurodegeneration
NEUR 301: Neuron to Brain
NEUR 477: Mechanisms of Neurological Disease
2018-2023: PI, National Science Foundation- RUI 1817867: Evolutionary Origins of BACE1 and Amyloid Beta. $444,941.
Academic Positions
2024-present: Professor and Chair of Neuroscience, Lake Forest College
Previous positions:
2014-2024: Professor, Department of Biology, Kalamazoo College
2007-2014: Associate Professor of Biology, Kalamazoo College
2004-2007: Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Assistant Professor of Biology, Kalamazoo College
2001-2004: Assistant Professor of Biology, Kalamazoo College
2000-2001: Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology, Haverford College
1998-2000: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania
1998-2000: Center for Neurodegenerative Disease Research