Sugata Banerji

Associate Professor of Computer Science
Director of Applied Data Center
Computer Science
- 8477355156
Computer vision
Scene understanding
Machine learning
Research Interests
Image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition and machine learning
Post-doctoral research fellow in the area of computer vision, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia since November 2013.
PhD Computer Science, New Jersey Institue of Technology
BE Information Technolgy, West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata, India
Roadmap to Computing using Python
Computer Programming and Graphics Problems
Introduction to Computer Science
A. Sinha, S. Banerji, and C. Liu, “New Color GPHOG Descriptors for Object and Scene Image Classification,” Machine Vision and Applications, vol. 25, pp 361-375, 2014.
S. Banerji, A. Sinha, and C. Liu, “New Image Descriptors Based on Color, Texture, Shape, and Wavelets for Object and Scene Image Classification,” Neurocomputing, vol. 117, pp. 173-185, 2013.
S. Banerji, A. Sinha, and C. Liu, “Haarhog: Improving the HOG Descriptor for Image Classification,” IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, October 13-16, 2013, Manchester, UK.
S. Banerji, A. Sinha, and C. Liu, “A New Bag of Words LBP (BoWL) Descriptor for Scene Image Classification,” The Fifteenth International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, August 27-29, 2013, York, UK.
Teaching Assistantship, Fall 2008-Fall 2013.
Department of Computer Science Travel Award, Fall 2012.
S. Banerji, A. Sinha, and C. Liu, “HaarHOG: A Novel Shape Descriptor for Image Search and Recognition,” Graduate Student Research Day, NJIT, November, 2012.
S. Banerji, A. Sinha, and C. Liu, “Object and Scene Image Classification Using Unconventional Color Descriptors,” The 16th International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition, July 16-19, 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.