Nissa Anderson

Class Year
Area(s) of Study
Music education
La Grange, Illinois
- WMXM 88.9 FM
- Chamber Orchestra
- West African Drumming
Orchestra intern at Miguel Juarez Middle School in Waukegan, Illinois
Graduate Study
Master of Arts in Teaching at Lake Forest College
How did you choose your area of study?
I have loved music for as long as I can remember and I have always been passionate about learning, but didn’t make a connection between the two until I was a junior in high school, having been involved with the orchestra since the fourth grade. As I began to consider colleges and careers, I recognized that music was such an important part of my life that I couldn’t see myself being content in life without it. As the wheels turned I decided that maybe a good way for me to pay it forward to a community of educators that have given me so much through music was to become a music teacher myself. The further I get into my course work, the more I am convinced that I made the right choice.
What do you think about the faculty?
One of my favorite things about the College and this program is the sense of community. There’s always a familiar face in Reid, always someone to talk to, and the professor’s doors are literally open almost always. If Professor Scott Edgar is not in his office and you need to talk, he’ll answer an email from you in no more than two minutes if he’s not teaching, but probably even less. They are there to talk whether you need to talk about life or specific academic and musical needs, and that support has been not only a great asset but also a great comfort. Not to mention that Kathi Siebert has candy for you to steal almost all of the time :)
More information to share?
As one of the first people to go through this program, I feel like it’s my responsibility to give it to everyone straight: this is not a program for the faint of heart. You’re going to work harder than you ever have in your life. You’re going to be stressed out and frustrated much of the time. You’re going to have to swallow your pride and do things that make you uncomfortable. When you feel like you’ve given something all you can give, you’re going to have to give it at least 50 percent more. But when you do all of that, the rewards you gain in knowledge and experiences will be innumerable and there is always someone there to help you through. If you want a major where you can be lazy most of the time, this isn’t for you. But if you are someone who is passionate about music AND education and you are serious about wanting to make a difference in someone’s life, this is where you should be.