Greg Lammers

Campus Activities
Why did you choose to come to Lake Forest College?
I decided to come to lake forest college for a couple of reasons. Location was definitely one, the college is only 40 minutes away from my hometown which makes it easy to go home if I choose. Another reason stemmed from the financial aid package, I knew that I was getting the best bang for my buck when coming to Lake Forest College
Why did you want to be a First Connection Peer Mentor?
I wanted to be a First Connection Peer Mentor mainly because of the experience I received while in the program. The relationships I still hold with my mentors has evolved from a mentee to mentor relationship into great friendships. The same type of role my mentors played are ones I wish to uphold.
What academic advice do you have for our incoming First Connection mentees?
The best academic advice I could give to a First Connection Mentee would be to attend your professors office hours, partake in group study sessions, and stay determined in your studies.
What do you advocate for?
The main things in which I advocate for is international healthcare. Doctors Without Borders is one of my favorite organizations in this field, they seek out areas of crisis and and respond with medical attention.