Ally Bain ’12 named a Top Ten College Woman of 2011 in Glamour

The communication major (and politics minor) was chosen to represent the category of “activist” in Glamour magazine’s top ten college women of the year.
Bain, diagnosed with Crohn’s disease when she was 11 years old, helped draft a law that has been passed in 12 states that mandates anyone with a medical emergency must be allowed access to a restroom.
This past summer, with assistance from the Grace Groner Foundation, she worked as an intern in Washington, DC, at the United States Department of Justice, helping to enforce the Americans with Disabilities Act.
“Lake Forest College was, and still is, the best solution for everything I was looking for in continuing my education,” she writes.
Bain also recognizes that she wouldn’t be able to accomplish many of her goals and aspirations on her own: “Since the success of the law, I have learned that one voice can really make a difference. And, just as one voice can really make a difference, so can one donation.”
After she graduates this fall, she’ll continue making a name for herself: “I want to help secure civil rights for people with disabilities and chronic illnesses and encourage them to use their voices to make a positive impact.”