5 things Justin Fowler ’14 can’t live without

The financial knowledge Justin Fowler ’14 picked up through the Lake Forest College Investment Club and relationships he built with select economics and finance professors helped the Merrill Lynch financial advisor get to where he is today.
The Chicago-based finance pro credits the College with building a strong foundation that allows him to relate easily with a lot of different professionals.
“The independence I cherished as a student has transitioned nicely into the entrepreneur I am becoming,” the finance major said.
The busy alumnus shares the five things he can’t possibly live without:
My car: This is what connects me to new and exciting places every weekend. It also helps me survive the long-distance relationship I have with my girlfriend (who I would have included in the “5 things I can’t live without” if she was considered a “thing”)!
It allows me to take a million pictures and not have to worry about organizing them or making them look cool (it literally does everything all on its own). If I’m on my phone, I am probably looking at the auto-edits and collages Google Photos made to my pictures.