Evelyn Johnson

Evelyn Johnson

Class Year


Area(s) of Study

Major in finance Minors in entrepreneurship and innovation and Chinese


Apple Valley, Minnesota


Member of the swim team


Winner of the 2017 Pitch It! competition

Evelyn Johnson ’18 is co-founder and CFO of Boulle, a company that makes boutonnieres. She and Boule co-founder Mat Obstoj ’17 were winners of the 2017 Pitch It! competition.  

Evelyn has found the entrepreneurship and innovation program to be a good fit with her finance major and double minor in Mandarin and entrepreneurship and innovation.

“Entrepreneurship has helped me develop strategic leadership skills, empathy, and the ability to think out of the box,” she said. “It has proven to be an asset in my corporate internship, where I work as a financial planning analyst, and has given me numerous opportunities to improve my analytical and presentation skills.”

As one of the top winners in the 2017 Pitch It! competition, Johnson found the entire experience to be invaluable to her professional growth. “The hard work and rigor that goes on behind the scenes taught me every aspect of starting and running a business,” she said.